Wildlife Management

College of Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics
Wildlife management student conducts field research

Get the Program Guide

Wildlife Management, B.S. (Conservation Management Concentration)

Wildlife Management, B.S. (Game Management Concentration)

Degree Concentrations

  • B.S. in Wildlife Management, Conservation Management concentration
  • B.S. in Wildlife Management, Game Management concentration

Who Would be Interested in Wildlife Management?

Students who:

  • Want to conserve nature for future generations
  • Are seeking a career with a state, federal, or non-government wildlife management agency
  • Want to take part in the scientific management of game or non-game fish and wildlife
  • Want to improve habitat for rare or threatened species or help maintain habitat for valued common wild animals
  • Want to help resolve conflicts between man and overabundant or nonnative species of wildlife
  • Are seeking to obtain an advanced degree to conduct research on wild animals and how they fit into natural ecosystems
  • Are good at and enjoy science, enjoy wild animals and the ecosystems that support them, and like the idea of working hands on in the great outdoors to pursue those interests

Why Wildlife Management?

  • Our B.S. in Wildlife Management is designed so that graduates meet certification requirements for Associate Wildlife Biologist status as established by The Wildlife Society (TWS), the long established national organization of wildlife professionals.
  • Since the early 1970s, Wildlife Management has had an active student chapter of The Wildlife Society (TWS), where both undergraduate and graduate students interested in wildlife conservation come together for seminars led by working wildlife professionals, for volunteer projects to assist local state, federal, or non-profit agencies in gathering field data or in habitat improvement programs, or for social activities such as hiking, canoeing, or camping.
  • The student TWS chapter participates annually in the Southeastern Section of TWS Student Conclave, which includes academic competitions as well as some non-academic outdoor-skill and art contests, attended by 15-30 state university programs from throughout the southeastern United States.

Learn from the Best

  • Our Ph.D. faculty are in the classroom, laboratory, and in the field with their students every day, and advising them throughout their four years with respect to career goals and their progress in meeting those goals.
  • These same faculty members are working directly with state and federal agencies in scientific research to solve real-world conservation problems and gain new knowledge in the realm of wildlife ecology.
  • Faculty not only bring their first-hand experiences into the classroom but also offer students opportunities to participate directly in various research projects to gain practical experience while they are in school.

Internship and Career Opportunities

  • Many of our students have taken summer internships with government and nonprofit conservation agencies or have worked through EKU's Cooperative Education Program to take a semester-long internship, gaining important professional experience even before obtaining the BS degree.
  • Many graduates go on to graduate school to pursue the MS and Ph.D. degrees to qualify for program coordinator positions with these employers or to conduct research or obtain positions with major universities.
  • Some B.S. graduates continue on for MS and Ph.D. degrees at major universities throughout the country, while some remain at EKU in our Biology MS, Applied Ecology option for an advanced degree
  • Wildlife Management graduates work with state, federal, and non-governmental agencies such as the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources and other state management agencies, the U.S. Forest Service and Fish and Wildlife Service, Ducks Unlimited, and The Nature Conservancy, as well as with private consulting firms that collect and analyze data related to conducting Environmental Impact Assessments.
  • Employers of Wildlife Biologists in Kentucky and elsewhere know our graduates to have the academic knowledge, practical field skills, and problem-solving capabilities to meet their agency's needs.
  • Indeed, many employers are graduates of the program at EKU and are confident in not only the education our graduates have received, but also in the work ethic EKU graduates take with them into the professional world.
  • Our B.S. graduates often out-compete M.S. graduates from other schools because of the knowledge they have and thinking ability they display in the job interview.

What Are the Requirements to be Admitted to the Program?

Students can select Wildlife Management upon applying to the university. However, those best prepared to do well in this program will:

  • Have a good preparation in science and math, or be dedicated to overcoming any lack of preparation they may have when they enter the program.
  • Enjoy science, critical thinking, problem-solving, and field work.
  • Be able to work as part of a team to accomplish goals.
  • Appreciate that developing good communication skills is an important part of becoming a successful wildlife biologist.
  • Understand that the annual income of wildlife biologists is NOT among the highest, but that the level of job satisfaction IS among the highest of any profession.

Where Are Recent Graduates Employed?

  • Biologist, then Assistant Director of a state wildlife management agency
  • Conservation Officer, then Chief of Law Enforcement for a National Forest
  • Field Biologist, then Senior Biologist with a private consulting firm

How Do I Get More Information?

Visit the Department of Biological Sciences in Science Building 3238
Call 859-622-1531
Email us at biology@eku.edu

Are There Scholarship Opportunities?

  • The Department of Biological Sciences has a few scholarships for continuing sophomores, juniors, and seniors based on academic performance within the department and need. Applications are accepted each spring semester following the posting of application information on our department web page. New students may find opportunities through the EKU Financial Aid Office or the College of Sciences.
  • The Kentuckiana Youth Chapter of Quail Forever annually funds a $1,000 scholarship to two Wildlife Management majors for their junior or senior year based on academic record, need, and an essay submitted at the time of application. Procedures for application are announced before March each spring.