Master of Science: General Psychology

College of Letters, Arts, and Social Sciences
Master of Science: General Psychology

Degree Options:

  • MS in General Psychology - Experimental Concentration (Thesis Option)
  • MS in General Psychology - Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) Concentration

Who Would be Interested in This Program?

  • Experimental Option: Students who want to gain experience in experimental psychology prior to applying to a Ph.D. program

  • ABA Concentration: Students interested in completing the coursework portion of requirements to pursue certification as a Board Certified Behavior Analyst

What Are the Requirements to be Admitted to the Program?

  • An undergraduate Psychology degree is most useful, but other degrees with Psychology content are also appropriate.

  • A minimum overall undergraduate GPA of 2.5, or 2.75 for the last 60 hours.

  • Students receiving clear admission to graduate programs in Psychology usually have an overall undergraduate GPA of 3.0 or higher.

  • A Graduate Record Examination (GRE) score is required; V-149; Q-141; AW-4.0 (GRE only required for ABA concentration if GPA below 3.0) Three letters of recommendation, two related to the undergraduate major, with at least one from faculty (no letters required for ABA concentration)

Where Are Recent Graduates of the Program Employed?

Thesis Option:

  • Graduates have been accepted to Ph.D. programs in Psychology as well as Law School. Other graduates are working as adjunct or part-time faculty at community colleges and regional universities.

ABA Concentration:

  • Still awaiting our first graduates but employment expected in behavioral service organizations and clinics, businesses, and anywhere behavior change goals are being addressed.

How Do I Get More Information?

Students can contact Dr. Robert Mitchell at

Visit the website at:

Students interested in the ABA Concentration can contact Dr. Myra Bundy at

Visit the website at: