Master of Arts in Education: Special Education - Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education

College of Education and Applied Human Sciences
Special Education Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education

Degree Options:

  • Master of Arts in Education:  IECE Advanced Study
    • For currently licensed educators
  • Master of Arts in Education:  IECE
    • Adding certification for teachers licensed in other areas

Who Would be Interested in This Program?

  • Individuals working in programs serving young children ages birth through kindergarten.
    • The IECE teaching certification allows individuals to teach in the public school preschool and kindergarten programs and to work as Developmental Interventionists with the First Steps early intervention program.
    • The advanced study option prepares individuals to work as leaders in early childhood settings, including state and local level organizations providing professional development and support to early childhood teachers.
    • The additional certification option allows individuals to add the Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education (IECE) teaching certification while also adding the Teacher Leader Endorsement.

What Are the Requirements to be Admitted to the Program?

  • Candidates must meet the requirements of the Graduate School
  • Must be licensed teacher in elementary, middle, or secondary teaching certification program.
  • Advanced Study option requires teaching certification in IECE
  • Additional certification option requires elementary, middle, or secondary teaching certification.

Where Are Recent Graduates of the Program Employed?

  • Public school preschool and kindergarten classrooms
  • Head Start coordinators and administrators
  • Administrators of early childhood centers
  • Kentucky Department of Education
  • Kentucky Division of Child Care

How Do I Get More Information?