Master of Public Administration

College of Letters, Arts, and Social Sciences
Master of Public Administration

On-Campus Degrees & Certificates

  • MPA Public Administration
  • Community Development 
  • Interdisciplinary Studies 
  • Emergency Management and Disaster Resilience 
  • Non-Profit Management

Online Degrees & Certificates

Who Would Be Interested in This Program?

  • Students in the MPA program come from a variety of undergraduate degree programs, for example, recent graduates of the program have undergraduate degrees in criminal justice, health-related fields, economics, social work, political science, English, paralegal programs, and chemistry.

  • Our students’ interest in a public service career is more important than any specific undergraduate program.

What Are the Requirements to be Admitted to the Program?

To be admitted to the MPA program, students must meet both, the admission requirements of the Graduate School and the MPA graduate program.  The complete application must consist of the following admission materials:

  • Graduate School Application 
  • Official Transcripts
  • Statement of Personal and Professional Objectives
  • Letters of Recommendation

Where Are Recent Graduates of the Program Employed?

  • Federal government agencies
  • In-state agencies
  • Regional and Local government
  • Nonprofit organizations
  • MPA graduates also serve as policy analysts, program managers, budget analysts, researchers, elected officials, program evaluators, grant writers, community and economic development specialists and government liaison specialists.


How Do I Get More Information?

Online Program Information
Contact Katherine Collins, Online Enrollment Advisor