Applied Creative Thinking Minor

University Programs
Applied Creative Thinking Minor

Degree Options

Minor in Applied Creative Thinking

Who Would be Interested in Creative Thinking?

All students at EKU will find applied creative thinking beneficial to their major. Applied creative thinking encourages students to pursue multiple paths, through innovation, experimentation, and design thinking, to answer questions, solve problems and develop new solutions. 

Why Creative Thinking?

Through applied creative thinking, students learn many concepts that will allow them to be successful in the classroom and competitive in the workplace, including:

  • Perception shift: looking at problems from multple angles
  • Re-learn/unlearn: re-examining a normal approach to a problem
  • Question: examining a problem with persistence
  • Play: experimenting with ideas in a safe environment
  • Collaborate: getting feedback on ideas and revising as necessary

What Are the Requirements to be Admitted to the Program?

Students must be currently enrolled in an undergraduate program at EKU. All majors are welcome.

How Do I Get More Information?

Potential minors can find more information online at

or contact:

Trenia L. Napier, Director

Applied Creative Thinking (ACT) Minor

(859) 622-8322